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Published: October 21, 2024

Dysport Before and After with Photos of Transformations

Dysport is a product that is well-known in the aesthetic medicine sphere for its ability to eliminate dynamic wrinkles that typically develop early in life due to active facial movement. It works quite similarly to Botox, which is why these two brands are often compared and even confused sometimes. However, Dysport is just as good as Botox, and today’s article aims to demonstrate all the incredible changes Dysport can provide if used properly by an educated specialist. Find more photos and explanations in this blog post – we are sure that you’ll be fascinated!

If you want to buy Dysport and look for a reliable supplier – Ogomed is here to cover all your needs! We offer a wide range of cosmetic injectables, as well as high-quality orthopedic injections, so check out the assortment and place your order today!

The Secret Behind the Effectiveness of a Dysport Treatment

Dysport injections have the same working principle as all botulinum toxins. After the administration, the solution spreads through the targeted muscle, thus stopping their contractions, which is perfect for dealing with facial wrinkles in the upper face, where the movement is the most active. However, there are also some perks in using Dysport for the lower face, so it’s important to discuss this topic with a doctor to ensure this product is suitable for a patient.

The main secret of this product’s effectiveness is, of course, botulinum toxin type A, which is used in its base to achieve natural-looking, beneficial results by numbing the nerve endings of the muscles. However, Botox treatment has the same working principle. So, what is the difference between Botox and Dysport?

Dysport vs. Botox: Which One Is Better?

Even though Botox and Dysport results are similar, there are some essential differences specialists should keep in mind to provide a positive experience to their patients. Here are a few factors that are considered crucial and can explain the unique qualities of each brand that distinguish them one from another:

  • Dysport tends to act slightly faster than Botox, which is beneficial for patients who want an immediate or close to immediate effect;
  • Dysport is known to work longer than Botox. The average longevity of botulinum toxins is three to four months, but Dysport typically stays effective for up to six months, plus it can be supported with regularly performed maintenance treatments;
  • Dysport contains cow proteins, while Botox contains only human albumin and sodium chloride, so Dysport cannot be administered for people with known sensitivity toward cow proteins;
  • Botox’s FDA approval is richer if compared to Dysport’s, so specialists may get more creative with it to fulfill their clients’ needs.

Overall, both brands are FDA-approved and safe to use for numerous aesthetic and medical purposes. A consultation in the doctor’s office may help understand the key differences to pick the best option for a person in order to provide them with the best customer experience.

Which Problems Can Be Targeted with Dysport

Now that we have discussed the essentials of the procedure, let’s highlight the areas that can be effectively targeted with Dysport, as well as have a look at some fabulous before and after photos that will demonstrate just how good this injectable can be for skin rejuvenation.

#1. Horizontal Forehead Lines

Forehead lines are also known as frown lines or horizontal forehead lines. These are the quickest to appear on the skin due to the active use of the muscles in this region, so using botulinum toxin to prevent the problem seems like a good idea to many people.

Horizontal Forehead Lines

#2. Crow’s Feet

Crows feet are the small lines that occur in the outer eye corners when we smile or squint our nose. They’ve got their name due to their slight resemblance with crows’ claw prints left on the ground. A specialist must be careful when injecting Dysport there due to the delicacy of the target area.

Crow's Feet

#3. Glabellar Lines

Glabellar lines are vertical lines between the eyebrows that become visible when we frown. These can give people an angry facial expression, which affects their overall attractiveness, so that’s why using Dysport may be quite helpful here.

Glabellar Lines

Ways to Take Care of the Results

If the treatment is performed properly according to all the safety rules and with the correct administration technique, patients shouldn’t experience any irritations or severe complications. Still, the treatment involves needles, so some side effects are still expected after the procedure. In order to minimize the risks and preserve desired results, the area should be taken care of with the help of special recommendations from the specialists.

How to take care of the area treated with Dysport?

  • Apply ice to the injection spot to reduce swelling and eliminate the chances of bruising. But don’t put the ice directly on the skin; wrap it in a clean cloth first;
  • Fix your neck steadily to ensure the product doesn’t spread to the nearest areas and numb it. Some people use special pillow necks so as not to let themselves roll to their side or belly and squish their faces. This rule should be followed for a few days;
  • Protect the skin from irritation: don’t put unnecessary pressure, use a gentle cleanser, and postpone other cosmetic treatments to let the product settle;
  • Don’t apply makeup for some time to let the irritation disappear completely;
  • Always apply sunscreen because ultraviolet rays can make Dysport wear off faster, plus direct sun rays make the skin aging process faster;
  • Avoid vigorous exercise for at least two days to let Dysport settle properly. Increased blood flow and pressure can worsen swelling and bruising, so it’s better to let yourself rest;
  • Keep the skin moisturized. We recommend thicker creams and hydrating toners to support the effect properly.

It is important to remember that recovery is a personal experience, and some people may cope better than others. If any unusual adverse reactions are noticed during healing, or if there’s any pain or concerns, it’s always better to contact a medical professional to ensure there’s no danger to one’s health. Explain this nuance to the patients to ensure they understand that.

Things to Remember About Dysport Timeline

When it comes to aesthetic treatments, it is important to remember that each patient is unique, so the effect, adverse reactions, and timeline may vary from person to person. However, if we talk about the average longevity, here are the numbers that should be kept in mind:

  • Dysport starts showing its results after 1-3 days post-administration;
  • The maximum relaxation can be noticed after 2 weeks;
  • After 4 months, the effect should start fading gradually;
  • Generally, 6 months is the average full longevity of Dysport, so maintenance treatments are required to preserve the results.

The Bottom Line: Dysport Before and After

As you can see, every Dysport injection is able to provide excellent rejuvenating results. As each botulinum toxin, it works by paralyzing the nerve endings of a targeted muscle. The solution stops its contraction, this way relaxing the face and eliminating dynamic wrinkles that typically occur due to one’s active facial expressions. The most common areas include glabellar lines (between the eyebrows), frown lines (vertical lines on the forehead), and crow’s feet (small wrinkles in the outer eye corners). Some specialists tend to combine Dysport treatments with dermal fillers to provide better results and keep the effect for longer. In order to understand whether this brand works well for a patient, having a detailed discussion is vital. Keep that in mind to create the best treatment plan to cover all their needs.
