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Published: December 6, 2024

Jelly Roll Botox and Botox Under Eyes for a Refreshed Look

In the modern world, injecting neurotoxins is not a trend – it’s a necessity. This product is widely used for medical and cosmetic purposes due to its ability to block nerve endings in muscles temporarily, thus stopping their contraction, which provides relaxation that solves many issues, from smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles to providing pain relief to patients.

And, of course, as Botox has been present on the market for a long time, it’s only natural that specialists get creative, finding out new formulas and purposes that botulinum toxins can be used for, and today, we would like to talk about that. One of the newer and less discussed treatments that slowly become a trend in the aesthetic medicine sphere is Jelly Roll Botox or Botox under the eyes, and even though it sounds unusual, we’ll gladly explain its peculiarities for a better understanding of the treatment. Expand your knowledge and understand that the sky is the limit if you are not afraid of trying new things. Now, let’s dive deeper into the topic!

The Definition of Jelly Roll Botox Treatment

Jelly Roll treatment is a special new technique that involves Botox being administered into the facial muscles under the eyes, which can fold when a person is smiling, thus creating a “jelly roll” under their eyes. It can often get in the way of seeing things clearly, so relaxing in this area helps people keep their eyes wide open when they smile.

Even though this type of botulinum toxin injection may seem new and unusual, some specialists have been performing it for decades. The main novelty here is the procedure’s name — Jelly Roll Botox.

Procedure’s Working Principle

The main purpose of Botox injections – whether they are used for the face or body – is to relax muscles that tend to be overactive. That’s why jelly roll cosmetic treatments are so popular: when a specialist administers botulinum toxin into the orbicularis oculi muscle. Many patients have it overdeveloped, and that’s why it contracts excessively in the lower lash line region, stimulating the development of crow’s feet and other issues typical for the area. The results of the Botox cosmetic procedure are long-lasting, up to 6 months for some patients, so it’s a perfect solution for people experiencing this type of problem.

Who Can Be a Good Candidate for Jelly Roll Botox?

In order to provide customers with the best experience in the clinic and desired jelly roll outcomes, medical professionals must buy their products from reliable suppliers. That’s the first step to a successful procedure. For you to buy Botox online, you must have a valid medical license to prove that you are a qualified specialist allowed to use botulinum toxins and other cosmetic injections.

Before trying Botox injections, a doctor must have a closer look at the patient’s periorbital area to ensure that jelly roll treatment is the right call for them. If the problem is something like eye bags from the lack of sleep, botulinum toxin injection won’t be quite effective, so defining the goal is always a must before the process begins. Mostly, it is recommended for individuals who experience muscle spasms and need proper relaxation in the under-eye region.

Reasons People Consider Botox for Under Eyes

Botox for under-eye bags is not the most traditional procedure, but it’s effective and demonstrates natural-looking results, which is something that people all around the world are seeking. Below, we are going to name some reasons why patients prefer injecting Botox to maintain their youthful appearance for longer:

  • It’s a quicker and safer alternative to cosmetic surgery. Surgeries are mainly associated with drastic changes in one’s looks, and minimizing under-eye bags is definitely not something that may be considered dramatic. That’s where Botox can be regarded as helpful: the procedure takes just a few minutes, it’s more affordable, and maintenance treatments are only required once every 6 months. Besides, adverse reactions are rare, and recovery is fast, which is a nice bonus for every client;
  • Botulinum toxin treatment results are long-lasting. Botox relaxes facial muscles, thus eliminating eye bags and eye wrinkles in general, providing a person with a smoother appearance. Patients can see the improvement after the treatment for approximately half a year, and the results can be easily supported.
  • Natural fine lines and wrinkles reduction. Under-eye bags and dark circles are common problems for the periorbital area, just like wrinkles. Thanks to Botox’s working principle, this procedure is able to rejuvenate the area, providing a noticeable appearance improvement in the end that looks completely natural;
  • Excellent solution for dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles give us a somewhat tired expression, which is why it’s important to find a way to minimize them to provide yourself with a more refreshed look. Due to Botox’s ability to stimulate local collagen production, a timely-scheduled treatment session is a perfect way to deal with this problem;
  • These procedures are perfect for helping people improve their self-esteem. Of course, the natural aging process is not something to be ashamed of, but certain aging signs can really affect one’s opinion of themselves. So, we believe one injection session every six months is an excellent way to help people feel good about their appearance.

These reasons are just a few common ones; there is so much more to all the marvelous abilities of jelly roll Botox. Talk to your patients and explain all the benefits according to their unique case; they will appreciate it!

Jelly Roll Botox and Botox Under Eyes

Should Side Effects Be Expected After the Procedure?

All the treatment options available on the aesthetic medicine market can cause some type of adverse reaction, and it’s important to know and understand the basics to take proper care of yourself after the treatment and be aware of when it’s time to contact a specialist and get proper medical care. In case of jelly roll Botox, most patients experience minor side effects that tend to disappear on their own without the need for medical assistance. The main symptoms include skin tenderness in the administration spot, slight irritation from the needle, swelling, redness, and bruising. A day is typically enough for all the symptoms to disappear, but a doctor must be informed if they stay for longer than a day, as well as if there’s worsening in one’s condition.

Another case in which a medical professional must be contacted is if a patient experiences severe side effects that can potentially lead to something dangerous. Just like that, contact your doctor if there are signs of an allergic reaction (swollen throat or tongue, trouble breathing, irregular heartbeat, blurred vision), as well as if there are painful sensations in the administration area. The chances of experiencing extreme complications are low, but it’s still better to be safe and pay close attention to unusual symptoms.

Combine Different Treatments for Better Results

Jelly roll Botox is an effective and affordable procedure, that’s a fact, but what if your patients want more prominent results that last longer? Well, in that case, we recommend combining two treatments together to get a more prominent finish in the end. Here are a few options you may consider when it comes to combining jelly roll Botox with other procedures:

  • Dermal fillers. Fillers are perfect if a person needs to restore lost volume and smooth out the skin, and if combined with botulinum toxin, it can expand the duration of the treatment’s results, as well as make the changes more prominent;
  • Laser resurfacing treatments. In case a person needs more dramatic changes, we recommend considering laser treatments. And if this procedure is combined with Botox, the occurrence of the aging signs around the eyes will be postponed, allowing people to enjoy their youthful glow longer;
  • IPL therapy. This treatment is typically recommended to target dark spots, skin discoloration, and dark circles around the eyes, making it an excellent variant to try together with botulinum toxin type A.

In order to understand which option will be more beneficial for a patient, discuss their goals, take a closer look at their aging signs, and create a perfect formula to fulfill all their needs. Jelly roll Botox will only work better if combined with other effective treatments.

The Summary

Jelly roll Botox is an innovative procedure that has become increasingly popular over the last decade. Its main goal is to target under-eye bags by relaxing muscles right under the eyes, thus opening the eye more, even when a person is smiling. The procedure can only be performed by an experienced specialist, as this delicate area requires precision and great carefulness, which cannot be provided by amateurs. In order to see more prominent results, we highly recommend combining Botox with other cosmetic treatments. Buy high-quality injectables and provide your patients with a better service today!
