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Published: October 9, 2024

How Many Dysport Units Per Area Do You Need?

Dysport is a popular injectable treatment used to reduce (such as horizontal forehead lines), as well as address various cosmetic and medical concerns related to muscle contractions. Knowing how many units of Dysport are needed for each area is crucial to achieving optimal, natural-looking results. In this article, we’ll explore how many units of the product are typically required for different body and face areas and how individual factors can affect the dosage.

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A Safety Note

It’s important to emphasize that the number of Dysport units required can vary widely from patient to patient. For instance, some individuals have stronger or larger muscles in certain areas, necessitating a higher dose. Similarly, the depth of the wrinkles or the overall treatment goals may influence the dosage. A highly experienced injector will assess each patient individually, tailoring the treatment to achieve the most natural and effective results.

Moreover, it’s essential to highlight that Dysport (similar to other botulinum toxin products) is intended for professional use. It is the task of an experienced injector to administer it beneath the skin of a patient with the help of an appropriately sized sterile syringe and by following an appropriate injection guiding technique.

What Is Dysport?

Dysport is a type of botulinum toxin injectable that is commonly used to treat facial wrinkles and fine lines. Like Botox, Dysport works by temporarily relaxing the muscles in targeted areas, smoothing the skin, and reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles. Dysport has gained popularity for its ability to deliver natural-looking results, with patients often noting a softer, more youthful appearance without the “frozen” look that can sometimes accompany other treatments.

The active ingredient in Dysport is botulinum toxin type A, which blocks the nerve signals to the muscles, preventing them from contracting. When applied to areas prone to wrinkling, such as the forehead or around the eyes, Dysport minimizes muscle movement, helping to reduce the formation of lines and prevent them from deepening. The effects of Dysport generally last between 3 to 4 months, depending on the individual, their muscle activity, and how quickly their body metabolizes the toxin.

Dysport is widely used in cosmetic medicine but is also approved for certain medical conditions, such as cervical dystonia (a condition that causes neck muscle spasms) and spasticity. However, its most common application remains in facial aesthetic treatments to reduce the signs of aging.

Benefits of Dysport

Dysport is a wrinkle relaxer with a wide range of advantages. The following benefits highlight it among a great number of other botulinum toxins:

  • Quick results: Most patients begin to see results within 2-3 days, and full effects are typically visible within one week.
  • Natural appearance: Dysport is known for delivering a more subtle, natural look when compared to some other injectables.
  • Minimal downtime: Dysport is a non-invasive procedure with little to no recovery time. Patients can usually return to their normal activities almost immediately after treatment.
  • Customizable: Dysport injections can be adjusted to suit the individual needs of each patient, making it a versatile option for different areas of the face and body.

Dysport Units Per Area

What Body and Face Areas Might Be Treated with Dysport?

Dysport is primarily used for cosmetic treatments, focusing on reducing wrinkles in the face. However, it is also effective in treating certain other areas of the body for both cosmetic and medical reasons (such as upper limb spasticity or lower limb spasticity). Below are the main areas where Dysport can be applied.

1. Forehead Lines

Forehead lines are one of the most common areas treated with Dysport. These horizontal lines appear across the forehead when you raise your eyebrows. Over time, these dynamic lines can become more pronounced due to repeated muscle movement, age, and loss of skin elasticity.

2. Glabellar Lines (Frown Lines)

Glabellar lines, commonly referred to as frown lines or “11s,” are the vertical wrinkles that form between the eyebrows when you frown or squint. These lines can make a person look tired, angry, or stressed, even when they are not. Dysport is particularly effective in softening these lines, creating a more relaxed and approachable appearance.

3. Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are the fine lines that radiate from the outer corners of the eyes. These wrinkles are caused by repetitive facial expressions like smiling, squinting, or laughing. Since the skin around the eyes is thinner and more delicate, it is more prone to wrinkles, making it a common target for Dysport treatments.

4. Bunny Lines

Bunny lines are the small creases that form on either side of the nose when you smile or scrunch up your face. While less commonly treated than other areas, Dysport can be used to minimize these lines for a more even skin appearance.

5. Jawline and Masseter Muscle (Jaw Slimming)

The masseter muscles are located at the back of the jaw and are responsible for chewing. Some individuals develop enlarged masseter muscles, often due to habitual teeth grinding or clenching, resulting in a square or bulky jawline. Dysport can be injected into the masseter muscle to relax it, leading to a slimmer and more contoured jawline.

6. Neck Bands (Platysmal Bands)

Platysmal bands are the vertical lines or cords that can appear on the neck as we age. These bands form as the platysma muscle, which runs from the lower jaw to the collarbone, becomes more pronounced. Dysport can help relax these muscles, reducing the appearance of the neck bands and creating a smoother neck profile.

7. Chin (Dimpling or “Orange Peel” Chin)

Some people experience a dimpled or bumpy appearance in their chin, often referred to as “orange peel” texture. This is caused by hyperactivity of the mentalis muscle in the chin area. Dysport can be injected into this muscle to smooth the skin and eliminate the uneven texture.

8. Gummy Smile

A gummy smile occurs when the upper lip elevates excessively upon smiling, exposing more of the gums than is typically desired. By injecting Dysport into the muscles that control lip movement, the upper lip can be relaxed, allowing for a more balanced and attractive smile.

9. Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

Dysport is not only limited to facial cosmetic treatments. It can also be used to treat excessive sweating, particularly in the underarms, hands, feet, and other areas prone to excessive perspiration. By injecting Dysport into these areas, it can block the nerve signals responsible for overactive sweat glands.

How Many Units Per Area Do You Need?

When it comes to determining how many units of Dysport are required per area, it’s important to note that the dosage will vary depending on individual factors. These include the patient’s muscle strength, the severity of wrinkles or muscle activity, and the desired outcome. For best results, a skilled provider will tailor the treatment plan to each patient’s needs.

1. Forehead Lines

On average, treating forehead lines with Dysport requires 10-30 units. The exact number of units depends on the strength of the patient’s frontalis muscle (the muscle that causes horizontal lines when you raise your eyebrows) and the depth of the wrinkles. Men often require more units than women because they tend to have stronger facial muscles.

2. Glabellar Lines (Frown Lines)

Glabellar lines typically require 30-50 units of Dysport to smooth the area effectively. This area usually needs a higher dosage than others due to the strong muscle movement in the area between the eyebrows. Some individuals with deep-set frown lines or stronger glabellar muscles may need closer to the upper end of this range.

3. Crow’s Feet

For the wrinkles around the eyes, 10-20 units per side are generally sufficient. Since the skin in this area is delicate, smaller doses are usually more effective. Patients with more significant muscle movement or deeper wrinkles may require a slightly higher dose, but most patients find that this range delivers good results.

4. Bunny Lines

Bunny lines typically require 5-15 units of Dysport. The muscles that cause bunny lines are smaller and less powerful than those in other parts of the face, so less product is generally needed to achieve a noticeable difference.

5. Jawline and Masseter Muscle (Jaw Slimming)

To treat the masseter muscles and achieve jaw slimming, patients usually require 40-80 units per side, depending on the size and strength of the muscle. Those with more prominent jaw muscles may need closer to 80 units, while individuals with less pronounced muscles may need fewer.

6. Neck Bands (Platysmal Bands)

For neck bands, the dosage of Dysport ranges between 20-50 units per band. The number of bands and the severity of the appearance will influence the total number of units required. Treating neck bands generally requires a higher dosage because the platysma muscle is larger and stronger.

7. Chin (Dimpling or “Orange Peel” Chin)

Treating chin dimpling typically involves 5-15 units of Dysport. The mentalis muscle is smaller, and fewer units are needed to smooth the area effectively.

8. Gummy Smile

A gummy smile can be corrected with 10-20 units of Dysport. The injections are typically placed around the upper lip to reduce its upward movement when smiling. Since this is a small area, fewer units are needed for a noticeable result.

9. Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

For hyperhidrosis, Dysport requires a higher dosage. For underarm sweating, for example, 50-100 units per side are generally needed. The dosage may vary depending on the treatment area and the severity of the condition, but patients seeking treatment for hands, feet, or other areas prone to sweating will also typically require a higher dose.

Final Words

All in all, Dysport is a versatile treatment that effectively reduces wrinkles, slims the jawline, and treats conditions like excessive sweating. The number of units required varies depending on the area being treated, muscle strength, and individual anatomy. Consulting with a qualified injector is key to determining the right dosage for natural-looking results tailored to each patient’s needs. With proper administration, Dysport can deliver a refreshed, youthful appearance across various facial and body areas.
